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Business School of BTBU Held the Second Young Scholars Forum on Academic Report of Accounting and Finance

Release time: 2022-05-12

Topic of the report:Social Financing Structures and Excessive Investment of Enterprises

Introduction of the presenter:

Xu Xiaofang, PhD in Management, a professor and doctoral supervisor. She teaches Theory of Corporate Finance, Financing Management,Intermediate Financial Accounting, Principles of Accounting, etc. for undergraduates and graduates. Her main research interests focus on corporate governance, accounting and finance of capital market, information disclosure, etc. She received her bachelor’s degree in financing management and her master’s in accounting from the Anhui University of Finance & Economics, and her doctor’s degree in accounting from the Renmin University of China. She also participated in postdoctoral research on accounting from the Guanghua School of Management, Peking University. She hosted about 10 projects supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Youth Program), Humanities and Social Sciences Youth Project Funded by the Ministry of Education, Special Program and General Program of China Postdoctoral Science Foundation and Provincial Natural Science Foundation, as well as several national and provincial projects. She also published around 20 papers on domestic journals such as the Economic Research Journal,Management World, Journal of Management Sciences in China, Accounting Research, Journal of Financial Research, etc. as the first authoror corresponding author. She won the Outstanding Paper Award of the year of the Management World, the first prize of the Outstanding Paper of the Branch of Financial Cost of Accounting Society of China and was the finalist of the Outstanding Paper Award of the year of the PwC 3535 Finance Forum. She is also an anonymous reviewer of journals such as Economic Research Journal,Management World, Accounting Research, The Journal of World Economy, etc.

Host: Zhang Chenyu, associate professor of the Department of Accounting of Business School, Beijing Technology and Business University (BTBU)

Time:19:30-21:00 (Chinese standard time) on Thursday, May 12, 2022

Place: Tencent Meeting (Meeting ID:339-719-765)
